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High Quality, Estate Auction (October 26. 2008)

**Large Portrait Oil Painting, Huge**
 (12) Place Setting Sterling Flatware--170 Pieces)
(6) Place Setting Wallace Sterling, (150) Pc. Sterling
 Grueby, Weller, Rare Roseville, Rookwood Pottery
Antique Doll, Early Barbies
 Cast Iron & Other Toys, Lots & Lots of Paper Advertising Items...




Sunday, October 26, 2008       12:00 PM Preview 11:00 AM

Country Inn & Suites,      5353 North  27th Street    LINCOLN, NEBRASKA



...Rare NU Memorabilia, Postcards, Photos & Tin Types, Old Bank Note Currency, Silver Coins, Diamond Jewelry, Costume Jewelry, Miner's Gold, (75) Early Comics, Collectibles, Indian Blankets, Quill & Beaded Artifacts & Jewelry, (15) Handguns, (30+) Rifles & Shotguns, Reloading Equipment, Lots of Ammunition, Remington Rifles & Shotguns, Colt, LJUTIC Shotgun,  Winchester Rifles & Shotguns.

Reservations: 402-476-5353

Directions: I-80 Exit 403; South 1.25 Miles to the Traffic Light At Folkways; Turn Right/West 1 Block; Turn Left/South 1 Block; Enter From the South Parking Lot.




From: 27th & Superior Streets; North to Traffic Light At Folkways; Turn Left/West 1 Block; Turn Left/South 1 Block; Enter From the South Parking Lot.


Large 36" x 48" Lady Portrait Oil Painting;  1892 Large Oval, Hand Painted China Portrait;  Grueby Vase w/Paper Label;  Weller Matte Green Jardiniere; Rare Blue/Green, Large Jardiniere--Roseville, Early Velmoss Piece;  1917 Rookwood Bowl; McCook, Ne. Advertising Spongeware Bowl;  (12) Place Setting Sterling Flatware--170+Total Pieces;  (6) Place Setting Wallace Sterling Flatware;  (70+) Pieces Mother Of Pearl Handled, Sterling Flatware;  (80) Pieces of Sterling;  Sterling Dresser Set;  Diamond Rings & Jewelry;  Gold & Sterling Jewelry;  Mining Gold;  Torquoise & Indian Jewelry;  Older Costume Jewelry--Weiss Christmas Pin, Eisenburg, Kramer, Weiss & Eugene;  Charm Bracelets;  Fountain Pens;  Hastings Daily Tribune Mirror Compact;  Old Bank Note Currency--Large $10, $20's & $10's;  (125+) Silver Half Dollars--JFK's, Franklins & Walking Liberty's;  Old Tin Types, Degarrio Types--(2) Civil War & Old Photos;  Old Cast Iron Tractor & Cow Bank;  Tin "White" Delivery Dump Truck;  Federal Union Insurance Metal Wall Calendar;  Neat Old Compass;  Pennants;  Bat-M-Up/Poosh-M-Up Game;  Marbles;  Toys & Related Items;  Mickey Mouse & Bugs Bunny Little Big Book;  Holiday Related Items.

PAPER ITEMS TO INCLUDE:  1941 NU vs Stanford Rose Bowl Memorabilia--Ticket Stubs, Program, RR Menus; 1949 Rose Bowl Cartoon History;  1916 NU vs Iowa Postcards & Team Photo;  1955 NU vs Duke Orange Bowl Newspaper--Never Opened;  Old UNL Photo Book & Commencement;  Old Harvard University Book;  New Orpheum Building Book of Omaha, Ne.;  1914 Hastings Graduation & Game Programs;  Hastings, Ne. Scrapbooks;  Club "Joe DiMaggio Menus;  Charles Lindburg Autographed Picture;  1940 Jackson High School;  Old Patriotic/Military Postcards & Photos;  Oxford, Ne. Postcards;  Main Streets, Disasters, Farm Related, Indian & Regular Postcards;  Lots B & W Postcards;  Color Postcards;  Postcard Albums;  Old Photo Albums--Hunting Scenes;  Chicago World Fair Items;  WW I Photos;  Paper Advertising to include--Cushman Advtertising, Cities, States, Travel, Road Maps, Store, Cooking & Recipes, RR, Airlines, Car Manuals, Trade Cards & Lots of Stuff;  10 Cent Comics--Omar Super Book of Comics featuring Bug Bunny--No.2, 10, 14 & 18; Mutt & Jeff--No. 35-55; Loony Tunes-- No. 17, 24, 39, 40's-100's;  Bugs Bunny & Nancy.  30" Heinrich Handwerck #109-DEP;  1959 Blond Ponytail #850 Barbie w/Box;  Blond Bubble Cut Barbie #850 w/Box;  Barbie Clothes, Accessories & Purses. 

Comic Book List:

Batman #28 & #29

Detective Comics #102

Superman   #19   #24  #33  #35  #67

Action Comics    #83   #93

Captain Midnight         #30

Thrilling Comics #48

Boy Commandos          #13   #21

Airboy Comics             Jan

Wings Comics    #77

Super Comics     #86

King Comics       #129

Popular comics

True Comics       #32   #33   #34   #35   #36   #37   #38   #39                      #40   #41          #42   #43   #44   #45   #46

#47   #48   #49   #50   #51   #52   #53   #54   #55


Ace Comics         #106 #107

The Captain & the kid            #52

Magic Comics     #70   #94

Dick Quick          Jan-Feb      1947

Terry-Toons        #52

Nancy #65

Fritzi Ritz

Tip Top      #133 #141

Nancy & Fritzi Ritz      #55   #60   #63   #64   #66   #69

Ozzie & Harriet

Nancy & Sluggo           #84

Porky Pig #342

Walt Disney Comics    April 1943          Dec. 1945           Sept. 1947

New Funnies

Punch And Judy

Mutt & Jeff

New Funnies #74

Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies      1945(3), 1946(3), 1947(5)

1950, 1951, 1952, 1953

Bugs Bunny        1946(1), 1950(4), 1951(6), 1952(4), 1953(1)



A.)  22 Cal. Winchester, Model 67, Single Shot, Bolt Action Rifle

B.)  Wards Texas Ranger, Single Shot Long Tom

C.)  38 Special Derringer, O/U Tanarmi, Model TA38

D.)  44 Magnum S & W, Model 29N-2, Frame Revolver

E.)  22 Cal. Rohn, Model BR2 Revolver

F.)  16 Ga. Winchester, Model 1897, Slide Action Shotgun

G.)  Hopkins & Allen, Falling Block, Single Shot Shotgun

H.)  22 Cal. Winchester, Model 67A, Bolt Action Rifle

I.)  22 Cal. Remington, Model 12CS, Slide Action Rifle

J.)  22 Cal. Marlin, Model 39A Rifle, Octagon Barrel & Scope

K.)  22 Cal. Winchester, Model 69 Rifle, Without Bolt

L.)  22 Cal. Remington, Model 24, Semi-Auto Rifle

M.)  22 Cal. Winchester, Model 290, Semi-Auto Rifle

N.)  44-40 Cal. Beretta, Stampede, Boo644, New in Box

O.)  410 GA. Stevens, Single Shot Shotgun

P.)  22 Cal. Mossberg, Model 46M Rifle


Two Grey Hills Indian Area Rug

Teec-nos-pos Indian Area Rug

Indian Turtle Basket

Indian Pottery

Indian Peace Pipe

North American Indian Beaded Pipe Bag, Medicine Bags, Moccasins, Quill Medicine Bag

Old Silver Beaded, Turqoiuse Necklace

(3) Old Silver Turquoise Bracelets-Old Pawn

70's, 80's, & 90's Torquoise Jewelry



1.)  12 GA. Remington, Model 50, w/Cutts

2.)  12 GA. Remington, Model 50, 28" Barrel

3.)  12 GA LJUTIC Shotgun, Model Gun T

4.)  12 GA. Remington, Model 1100, Vent Rib

5.)  12 Ga. Remington, Model 1100, Model 1776-1976, Vent Rib

6.)  12 GA. Remington Wingmaster, Model 870

7.)  12 GA. Remington Sportsman, Model 58

8.)  30-06 Cal. Remington, Model 742, Woodsmaster Rifle, w/Weaver Scope

9.)  22 Cal. Ruger, Model 10/22 Carbine Rifle, w/Bushnell Scope

10.)22 Cal. OF Mossberg & Sons, Model 142A Rifle, w/JC Higgins Scope

11.)  22 Cal. Remington, Model 341 Sportsmaster Rifle, Short/Long, w/Weaver Scope

12.)  Benjamin BB Air Rifle


13.)  S & W, Model 29-2, 44 Magnum w/Long Nickel Plate Barrel, w/Original Box

14.)  S & W, Model 686, 357 Magnum w/8 3/4 Long Barrel, w/Original Box

15.)  635 Cal. Deutchhe/werke

16.)  22 Cal. High Standard, Model B

17.)  22 Cal.  High Standard, Model HD Military, w/Box

18.)  22 Cal. High Standard, Model B

19.)  22 Cal. High Standard, Model HD Military w/Ivory Grips

20.)  38 Cal. Colt, Detective Special

21.)  45 Cal. Auto,  Colt Mark IV, Series 80, Officer's ACP

22.)  45 Cal. Auto, Colt Mark IV, Series 70, Government Model

23.)  22 Cal. S & W, 22 Long, CTG

24.)  9 MM Parabellum S & W, Model 669

25.)  357 Magnum Ruger, New Model Blackhawk

26.)  22 Cal. Ruger, Single Six

27.)  32 Cal. Hopkins & Allen Arms Co., Safety Police

28.)  22 Cal. Harrington & Rickardson, H & R Sportsman, Double Action, 22 Cal. Long

29.)  Benjamin Air Rifle Pistol, Model 132


(500) Boxes of 12 Ga. Shotgun Shells--Winchester & Federal

(200) Boxes of 16 Ga., 20 Ga., 28 Ga., & 410 Ga. Shotgun Shells

22 Cal., 30 Cal., 30-06 Cal., 30-06 Military, 357 Mag., 38 Cal., 44 Cal., 45 Cal., 9 MM Ammunitions

Knives, Holsters, Leathers, Gun Cleaning Kits, Magazines & Papers

Fishing Poles

410 Ga., 12 Ga., 28 Ga., Reloading Equipment &--Pacific Reloaders

Reloading Equipment, Bullets, Primers, Powder, Shot, Wads & Casings.






The  Ellis Sumner Estate

The Robert D. Bauer Estate

First Nebraska Trust, Trustee

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