FINAL RESULTS: REAL ESTATE AUCTION: Saturday, August 29, 2020 6727 Platte Avenue Lincoln, NE.

This property sold for $69,500.00 on 08-29-2020.


Real Estate Auction--2 Bedroom, Framed Home
We are selling for the Max L. & Sandra I. Lipskey Estate.

Saturday, August 29th, 2020    2:00 PM
6727 Platte Avenue       Lincoln, Nebraska 

At the intersection of No. 67th &  Havelock Avenue,
Travel North (2) block on No. 67th to Platte Avenue, turn right to the auction site.
front view 1

A few photos have been posted.

Please click on the "View Photos" icon below to access the gallery.


**Please feel free to contact our office to view the home prior to the sale day.**

It should be noted that when the auction season starts, there will be some restrictions in place.
Face masks might be required and social distancing will have to be observed.
We will be providing sanitizing stations for patrons at the sale.
(The health and safety of our customers and employees is our number priority as the auction season begins.)



2 Bedroom, Framed Home
Saturday, August 29th, 2020     2:00 PM
6727 Platte Avenue     Lincoln, NE.

(2) Bedroom, Framed Home.
Single Story Residence.
Built in 1920.
825 Square Feet.

This home might need some renovation.

(1)  3 Fixture Bath.
Separate Living Room & Kitchen.

No Basement--crawl space.
Front Porch w/132 Square Feet.
Fenced Side Yards and Backyard.

(1)Stall, Detached Garage--280 Square Feet.
Detached Shed/Garage--Built in 1996--484 Square Feet.
Close to schools & shopping.

Legal Description:  Havelock, Block 21, Lot 3
Property ID:  17-04-412-003-000
Primary Class:  ( Residential Improved )
Primary Use: (Single Family)
Zoning:  R4 ( R4-Residential District )
Neighborhood:  7LNE221 - Havelock - Low



5% Down Day of Sale with Balance in 45 Days.

This Property Sells  Subject to the Confirmation of the Personal Representative.

To View This Property or For Additional Information,  Please Call: 402-475-7312.


We are selling for the Max L. & Sandra I. Lipskey Estate.


  Thank you for attending!


Norman L. Ford – Broker       Gregory A. Ford – Salesman


2000 West Denton Road       Lincoln, NE 68523       or

e-mail:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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