FINAL RESULTS: REAL ESTATE AUCTION BY SEALED BIDS: Sunday, November 7, 2021 1920 So. 11th Street Lincoln, NE.

This property sold for $50,100.00  on 11-07-2021.


(3) Bedroom, Framed Home
This Property Sells to the HIGHEST SEALED BID.
We are selling for the Edwards Wilkerson Estate.

Sunday, November 7th, 2021     1:00 PM
1920 So. 11th Street     Lincoln, NE.


Auction Directions:
From the intersection of So. 11th Street & South Street,
Travel North on So. 11th to auction site.

IMG 0328

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**Please feel free to contact our office to view the home prior to the sale date**

This sale will be a little different than our normal Real Estate auctions.
This will be a sealed bid auction, with the highest sealed bid buying the home.

Sealed bid can be sent to our office via mail, e-mail or be presented on the day of the sale.
Each sealed bid must include:
                                     1)  The buyer's name or company name
    2)  Mailing address
         3)  Telephone number
4)  Maximum bid
**If you do not supply us with all the requested information, your offer will not be considered.**
**You can submit multiple offers if you would like to do so.**

We will meet at the property location on Sunday, November 7th, 2021 @ 1:00 PM.
We will give our normal terms & conditions like our normal Real Estate auctions.
We will accept offers until 1:30 PM.

*We will reviews the offers and announce what the high bid is.*

**AT THIS TIME, we will accept new sealed bid offers for 5 minutes.**
***After the 5 minutes, we will review these new offers and make the announcement on who bought the property.***

We will allow you to view the property starting November 1st.
This property is selling AS IS, with some contents within the home.

1 1/2 Story Framed Home.
Built in 1910.
1,599 Total Square Feet.
(1)  3 Fixture Bath on the Main Floor.
Front Porch.
Heat & A/C.
No Garage.

Close to schools, shopping & restaurants.
This home will need some major renovations.

Legal Description:   Dawsons Addition to South Lincoln, Block 34, Lot 5, S42' W15' & S42' Lot 6
Property ID:  10-35-239-009-000
Property Class:  Residential Improved
Primary Use:  Single Family
Zoning:  R2-Residential District
Neighborhood:  7LCN061 - Original Plat - Low

10% Down Dale of Sale with Balance in 45 Days.
This property sells to the HIGHEST SEALED BID!!
To View This Property or For Additional Information, Please Call:  402-475-7312

We are selling for the Edwards Wilkerson Estate.


Thank you for attending!
Norman L. Ford – Broker Gregory A. Ford – Salesman
2000 West Denton Road Lincoln, NE 68523 or
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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