Auction (May 22, 2011)


*Sevres French Porcelain Urn *

* Lalique * Art Glass * Pictures * Books *

Fine China Sets ---Limoge, Lenox & Coleport * Large Bronze Vase

Sunday, May 22, 2011 11:00 am Preview 10:00 am

2500 Calvert St. Lincoln, Nebraska


(From 20th & Van Dorn: So. to Calvert; then Left/East)


Very Nice Sale! Lots of Nice Antique Mahogany Furniture to incl.: Chippendale, Sheraton, Cowan, Berkey, Gay, Tobey, John Colby, Sligh Lowry, Conant Ball & Henredon; Furniture—Bedroom sets, Dining Room sets, Sofa, Parlor chairs, Writing desks, Parlor tables; Lamp tables; Stack tables; Sec.-writing desk, Tea cart, Rockers, Vanity chairs, Empire parlor table, Bookcases, Cedar blanket chest, Foot stools & Needlepoint chair. Other items of interest—Lg. Bronze figural vase, Old victrola, Ampico records, Cameo & Prism table lamps, Old floor lamps, Brass bed, Ornate mirrors, Copper andirons, Hallicrafter radio, Iron door stops, Oil paintings & prints, Sev. Patch quilts & linens; Kestner 164 Doll; Cloisonne; Champleve; WWI Military correspondence & other items; Vintage hats; Book ends; Books incl.: Hugo, Dickens, M. Twain 1st Ed., Aldrich, Sandoz, Cather & Dreiser; Glassware Pottery & China incl.: Sev. Old pcs. of Lalique, (2) Lg. German chargers—circa 1912, Lg. set of Coleport china; Dresden, R. Doulton, Sabino, Borsini, Lindstrand, Lutz, Meissen, Sevres, Bohemian, G. Briard, Quimper, Crystal, Cut Glass, Orient & Flume; Lg. Artist signed Sevres French Urn; Perfumes; Lots of Dresser items; All Types of figurines; Plus Lots More!

The Ferguson family is one of the oldest and most distinguished families of Lincoln. Some photos posted on web.

The Ferguson Estate

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