Real Estate Auction April 30, 2016 4529 So. 48th Street

THIS PROPERTY SOLD FOR $70,000.00 on 04/30/16.

New Auction Notice:

Upcoming Real Estate Auction--
(2) Bedroom Cedar Sided Home
Selling for the Barbara Burton Trust

SATURDAY, April 30, 2016       11:00 AM  
4529 So. 48th Street     Lincoln, Nebraska

At the intersection of So. 48th Street & Pioneers Blvd.,
Go South (2) Blocks to Auction Site.

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(Viewing At 10:00 am)

Solid, (2) Bedroom Cedar Sided Home.
with 832 Square  Feet.
Wood Floors.
(1)  3 Fixture Bath.
(1)  2 Fixture Bath.
(1) Stall Attached Garage.
Home is original, built in 1957.
Zoned R2 with Primary Use R1.

Full Basement with Daylight/Walkout Basement.
Screened in Patio.
Central Heating & Air.
Very large backyard with mature trees.

Near College View District.
Shopping Areas Nearby.
Near Schools.

10% down day of sale, balance on or before 35 days.
This Property Sells to the HIGHEST BIDDER!!

For Viewing or further information, call the Auctioneers @ 402-475-7312.

SELLING FOR THE Barbara Burton Trust.

 Thank you for attending!


Norman L. Ford – Broker       Gregory A. Ford – Salesman


2000 West Denton Road       Lincoln, NE 68523       or

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