FINAL RESULTS: (5) Tracts of Farm Ground: for Brian L. Tiedeman: Saturday, February 23, 2019 115 Locust Street Hickman, NE.


Advanced Auction Notice:

  Farmground Estate Auction--TODAY
We are selling for the Brian L. Tiedeman Estate.

*(5) Tracts of Farmground--*453 Total Acres*

 *134.32 Acres* 

*147.18 Acres* 
*74.43 Acres*

 *25 Acres*

Saturday, February 23, 2019    10:00 AM     Preview 8:00 AM
115 Locust Street       Hickman, Nebraska
(Auction held at the Hickman Community Center.)

From the intersection of  So. 68th Street/Chesnut Street & 7th Street--(Main intersection in Hickman),
Travel South (5) to E. 2nd Street, Turn Right/West (3) Blocks to Auction Site.

(Community Center located at the corner of Locust & E. 2nd Street)
The Cell Tower Agreement has now been posted.
**Please click on the "View Photos" icon link below to access the 13 page document.**



The Cell Tower Contract has been posted above. (Please click on the "view photo" icon above.)
New updated information has been posted below on February 21, 2019.
Please check out this information.


Tract #1:    134.32 Acres:   This farmground sold for $4,450.00 per acre.

Legal Description:        NW1/4, S-8, T-7, R-7, Except 20 Acres for the Home Site.

**(Except 20 Acres for the Home Site.)**

The Home Site Will Be Sold on April 6, 2019, at 11:00 A.M.

                                                                 @ The Home Site Address, which is 4205 Panama Rd.; Selling w/20 Acres.

**(Please follow our website for further information about the Home Site)**

Taxes to be Determined.

Tillable Acres estimated at 119.02

Soils:JUC            Judson Silt Loam                            2-6% Slopes

          BRD           Burchard Clay Loam            6-10% Slopes

          STF            Steinauer Loam                      11-30% Slopes

          PAC2                   Pawnee Clay Loam                2-7% Slopes

          WTD          Wymore Silty Clay Loam      1-3% Slopes

          WTC2        Wymore Silty Clay Loam      3-7% Slopes

          WTD3        Wymore Silty Clay                 5-9% Slopes

          MRD          Morrill Clay Loam                 6 – 11% Slopes

***Average Yields:  Corn 142 Bushels per Acre & Soybeans 41 Bushels per Acre.***

Location: SE Corner of 38th & Panama Rd.)

Tract #2:    147.18 Acres:   This farmground sold for $4,300.00 per acre.

Legal Description: Lot 8, NE ¼ & S ½, NE ¼, S-32, TR, R-7

Taxes:        $9,075.00

129.04 Tillable Acres

Soils:WTC2        Wymore Silty Clay Loam      3-7% Slopes

WTD3        Wymore Silty Clay                 5-9% Slopes

WTD          Wymore Silty Clay Loam      7-11% Slopes

JUC            Judson Silt Loam                            2-6% Slopes

MED2        Mayberry Silty Clay Loam   7-11% Slopes

MEC2        Mayberry Silty Clay Loam   2-7% Slopes

***Average Yields:  Corn 152 Bushels per Acre & Soybeans 49 Bushels per Acres.***

Location: SW Corner of 54th & Hickman Rd.

Tract #3:    74.43 Acres:  This farmground sold for $6,100.00 an acre.

Legal Description: Lot 2, Egger Adm. Subdivision.

Taxes:           $4,785.00

70.77 Tillable Acres

**This Tract Has a Cell Tower with $700.00 Per Month Income.**
** The cell tower contract has been posted, to access the document please click on the "View Photos" icon above***
The Cell Tower Contract will also be available for viewing on the day of the auction.


Soils:WTD3        Wymore Silty Clay                 5-9% Slopes

          WTC2        Wymore Silty Clay Loam      3-7% Slopes

          WTD          Wymore Silty Clay Loam      7-11% Slopes

***Average Yields:  Corn 151 Bushels per Acre & Soybeans 45 Bushels per Acre***

Location: NW Corner of 54th & Stagecoach Rd.

Tract #4:    72.43 Acres:  This farmground sold for $4,975.00 an acre.

Legal Description: Lot 10, SE1/4, S-32, T-8, R-7.

Taxes:        $5,226.00

71.19 Tillable Acres

          **Yellow Building & Grain Bins Go With This Tract.**

Soils: WTD                   Wymore Silty Clay Loam               7-11% Slopes

***Average Yields:  Corn 151 Bushels per Acre & Soybeans 45 Bushels per Acre.***

Location:   ¼ Mile West of 54th & Stagecoach Rd.

Tract #5:    25 Acres:    This farmground sold for $4,875.00 an acre.   

Legal Description:   Lot 97 & Lot 29, SE ¼, S-33, T-8, R-7.

Taxes:        $1,496.00

16.27 Tillable Acres

Soils: Kennebec-Nodoway

***Average Yields:  Corn 168 Bushels per Acre & Soybeans 52 Bushels per Acre.***

Location: North & West of 68th & Stagecoach Rd.
                     Access from service road that is located just South of the viaduct, West hand side of the road.
                     The property runs North from the service road to the railroad tracks.



10% Down Day of Sale.
Balance Due On or Before 40 Days, with Possession.

Sells Subject to the Confirmation of the Personal Representative.

Buyer Will Have Possession for the 2019 Crop Year.

For Further Information, Please call:  FORD & FORD AUCTIONEERS, INC.  1-402-475-7312


  Thank you for attending!


Norman L. Ford – Broker       Gregory A. Ford – Salesman


2000 West Denton Road       Lincoln, NE 68523       or

e-mail:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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