Fabulous Antique & Collectibles Auction (February 24, 2008)

Rare Advertising Signs & Tins, 100+ Advertising Signs, Tins, Tip Trays & Pocket Mirrors, Old Coke Signs & Tip Trays,  Beer & Ale Advertising Signs, Rare Nebraska Blossom Cigar Tin, Rare Lincoln, Ne. Advertising Collins Ice Cream Tray, Rare Large George Washington Advertising Insurance Sign ...


Sunday, February 24, 2008  12:00 PM   Preview 9:00 AM
5353 North 27th Street (Country Inn & Suites) LINCOLN, NEBRASKA
Indoors---In the Convention Center Grand Ballroom.  Enter From the South Parking Lot.


...Rare Large Francisco Auto Heater Advertising Sign, Die Cut & Cardboard Advertising Pieces, Cast Iron William Jennings Bryan/Button Donkey Door Stop, 15+ Mechanical & Cast Iron Banks, William Tell Caste Iron Mechanical Bank, Black Mechanical Jolly N. Boy Penny Caste Iron Bank, Cast Iron 1700's New England Snow Bird, Cast Iron Door Stops, Christmas Tree Stand & Flag Pole, Old Blue Grey Pottery, Rockingham, Majolica, Roseville, Weller, Meissen, Early Staffordshire, Chinese Porcelain, Set Wedgwood China, Flo Blu, Early Delf

Primitives, Collectibles, Weather Vanes, Early Pewter & Brass, Old Bottles & Flasks, Glass Molds & Candy Containers, Antique Dolls, Paper Mache Santas & Old Mohair Bears, Painted Ivory Portraits, Costume Jewelry, Showcase Item

Directions: (Easy Access Off I-80):  Exit 403; So. Approx. 1.25 miles to Traffic Signal at Folkways Blvd.; Turn Right/West 1 Block; Turn Left/South to South Parking Lot. Enter From the South Parking Lot.


Approximately 1/2 Mile North of 27th & Superior Streets.


RARE ADVERTISING SIGNS & TINS:  Rare Nebraska Blossom Cigar Tin; Francisco Large Auto Heater Advertising Sign;  Large George Washington Advertising Providence Washington Insurance Co. Sign; Beer & Ale Advertising Trays;  (100+) Advertising Tins to include--Tobacco Hand Bag Cut Plug, Boone, Iowa Tea & Cinnamon Box,  Tobacco, Cut Plug, Coffee, Pocket Cigar, Cocoanut, Large Orphan Boy Sign, Peanut Butters, Candy Tins, Salmon, *(10) Tip Trays, *(20+) Advertising Pocket Mirrors, *(10) Old Coke Trays in Great Condition from 1910's thru 50's, Coke Tip Trays, Coke Advertising Thermometer, Lincoln, Nebraska Advertising Collins Ice Cream Tray, Hickman-Ebbert Co. Advertising Wagon Sign, Die Cut Sweet Corporal Cigarette Sign, Die Cut Chapellerie Guerelt Girl, Cardboard Military Coke Sign, Cardboard Bissel Sweeper Sign, Cardboard Colman's Blue Dye Sign.


CAST IRON PIECES:  1700's New England Snow Bird, *Cast Iron William Jennings Bryan/Button Donkey Door Stop, Floral, Basket & Cottage Door Stops, Cast Iron Boston Terrier, William Tell Mechanical Bank, Black Mechanical Jolly N. Boy Penny Bank, Cast Iron Banks to include--Santa, Boy Scout, Sailor, Mamie, Indian, Bears, Dogs, Elephants, Lamb, Turkey, Pig, Cat, Dogs, Baby in Cradle, Cash Register & Safe Banks, Like New Paint--Cast Iron Christmas Tree Stand, Flag Pole Stand, Circus Cage with Animals.


POTTERY & CHINA ITEMS:  Meissen Figurine; Rare Rockingham Lion, Blue Grey Pitchers, Salt Boxes & Butter Boxes, Sleepy Eye Pitcher, Early Blue Grey German Pitcher, Blue Spongeware Spittoon, Majolica Plates & Fish Pitcher, Warwick "Old Salt" Pitcher & (6) Mugs, Flo Blu Charger & (6) Chapoo Plates, Pratt Pot Lids, (2) Rookwood Pieces, Weller, Roseville--Freesia Cookie Jar, Large Cosmos Vase, White Rose, Zephyr Lily Vase, (3) Sets of Large Staffordshire Spaniels, Staffordshire Cow Creamers, Large Staffordshire Toby Jugs, Staffordshire Figures & Animals, Large Delft Charger, Large Delft Cow, Early Chinese Porcelain--Canton & Other Pieces.  (70) Piece Wedgwood "Belmar" China Set.


PRIMITIVES, COLLECTIBLES & SHOWCASE ITEMS:  Several Miniature,Painted Ivory Portraits, Costume Jewelry, (4) Antique Dolls--Bye-Lo Baby, Cuno, Otto & Dressel, Composition Amberg & Sons Baby, (2) Old Mohair Bears, Large & Small Paper Mache Santas, Hendrix Bird Cage, Horse Weather Vane, Early Pewter & Brass Pushup Candle Sticks, Buffalo Spring Water Bottle, Old Glass Bottles & Flasks, Glass Molds & Candy Containers, Tin Windup Peddler Man, Cast Iron Chicken Toy, Rabbit Tin Mold, Salesman Sample  Bed Warmer, Pewter Ice Cream Molds, Brass Balance Scale, Brass Scale, Kitchen Primitives & Collectibles, Pewter & Cast Iron Items, J.C. Steven Match Safe, Beaded Purse, Straw Dispenser, School Hand Bells, Carnival Glass, Old Man Porcelain Humidor, Royal Doulton, Fiesta Tall Coffee Urn, Toby & Figural Mugs & Statues. Clarke's Pure Rye Advertising Plate.


This is a great quality, antique auction consisting of 400-500 items.

This is an auction that you don't want to miss.


Visit Their Fabulous Restaurant for Breakfast, Lunch & Beverages.  

Beacon Hills Restaurant:  1st Level(No Other Food & Drinks Allowed).  Rooms Reservations:  1-402-476-5353,



TERMS: No Buyer’s Premium; Photo ID Required to Register;  7% Sales Tax or Bring Your Exemption Resale Certificate; Cash or Check Only.

Lloyd Oliverius, Owner

Has moved to California.

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